
This project was an implementation of the board game Acquire using Java as well as Java graphics. This was coded completely from scratch and included a graphical interface to represent the game in real time which usable buttons as well as cpu players that would make moves as if they were human.

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Climbing Gym Occupancy

This was a small script created by me due to my hobby of rock climbing. It utilizes python webscraping and graphing libraries. The main purpose was for me to gain perspective on the occupancy of my nearest climbing gyms to see when the best time to go would be to avoid crowds during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data was taken from Summit Climbing's live capacity tracker on their website.

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Personal Website

This project was created for my CSCE 315 course and uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The entire website was created from scratch with the assist of Bootstrap 5 to speed up the process as well as add mobile compatibility. The website was originally hosted on A&Ms servers but I have moved away from that and it is now being hosted with github.

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Aggieland Saturday App

This project was a mobile app created with the purpose of collecting and disseminating data during Aggieland Saturday (specifically for the College of Engineering) to ease not only the work of those hosting the event, but those attending as well. Aggieland Saturday is the Universities' biggest open house event which hosts over 3,000 prospective students for the College of Engineering alone. This app was created using Flutter a framework developed by Google using it's Dart progamming language. It also used Amazon Firestore as a backend.

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This was my first TAMUHack project, created by my friend (Rohit Barichello) and I. We had no previous Hackathon or WebApp devlopment experience prior so this was a very minimal product. It utilizes the MERN stack, Mongo DB, ExpressJS, ReactJS, and NodeJS. Majority of our 24 hours was occupied with research and learning the technology, however, with the limited time and knowledge we had, the minimum product was able to query from our MongoDB backend and display the data on the frontend as well as receive data from the frontend and push it to our database.

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Fullstack web app to follow news/socials of U.S. Politicians.

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Mock point of sale system using a Java front and backend with a PSQL database.

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